May 6, 2024

Sizzling Sound of Deep-Frying Reveals Complex Physics of Vapor Cavities

When the private investigators placed dampened chopsticks in hot oil, they found the type and number of bubbles formed depended on the quantity of water taken in by the chopsticks as well as the chopstick material.Explosion cavity which forms when a water droplet hits hot oil. The water bead exploded when it hit the hot oil, where the batter bead established bubbles over its surface.To further investigate what happens when food is positioned in hot oil, the researchers used a small piece of paper dampened with water as a model. A high-speed video camera and a delicate microphone were used to gather detailed information about the shape of the bubbles that form when the water bead strikes the hot oil and the sizzling sound they make when they pop.Video of the explosion cavity which forms when a water bead strikes hot oil.