February 10, 2025

Even Tiny Mimas Seems to Have an Internal Ocean of Liquid Water

Information from the Cassini objective keeps sustaining discoveries. The most recent discovery is that Saturns small moon Mimas might have an internal ocean. If it does, the moon joins a growing list of natural satellites in our Solar System that might harbour liquid water under their surfaces.

Worlds with interior oceans are called Interior Water Ocean Worlds (IWOWs). If the brand-new paper announcing this discovery is correct, small Mimas will sign up with worlds like Europa, Enceladus, Titan– and maybe Pluto– on the growing list of IWOWs in our Solar System. How did scientists find that Mimas is a prospective IWOW?
Its all thanks to the Cassini mission to Saturn, a collaboration in between NASA, the ESA, and the Italian Space Agency. That mission ended with a plunge into Saturn in 2017, called the Grand Finale. However before it concluded its mission with a purposeful plunge into the gas giants atmosphere, the spacecrafts instruments spotted an uncommon libration in Mimas rotation.
Librations like the one found in Mimas rotation are often indications of a geologically active world with a subsurface ocean.
Its title is “The case for an ocean-bearing Mimas from tidal heating analysis,” and its offered online at Science Direct. Rhodena is an expert in the geophysics of icy satellites at the Southwest Research Institute, and Walker is an Associate Research Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute.
If Mimas is an IWOW, it would be different from others in the Solar System like Europa and Enceladus. Those ocean-bearing moons show geological activity that Mimas does not have. The authors point out that the physical librations Cassini sensed “… can be described by either a non-hydrostatic core or an international, liquid water ocean underneath a 24– 31 km thick ice shell.”
The moons Enceladus (L), Europa (M), and Mimas (R,) not to scale. While the surface areas of Enceladus and Europa show clear signs of geological activity like troughs and fractures, Mimas surface area is different. Its covered in craters and reveals no signs of activity. Image Credits: Enceladus: By NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. Europa: By NASA/JPL/DLR. Mimas: By NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ Space Science Institute.
” If Mimas has an ocean, it represents a brand-new class of little, stealth ocean worlds with surface areas that do not betray the oceans existence,” stated SwRIs Dr. Alyssa Rhoden in a press release. Rhoden studies the geophysics of icy satellites, especially those consisting of oceans, and the advancement of huge world satellites systems.
The word stealth certainly applies to Mimas compared to other IWOWs like Enceladus and Europa. Mimas cratered surface provides no tip of an ocean underneath, though researchers thought it might be a big portion of ice rather than rock. Its density is too low to be all rock, though it might include some rock.
” Because the surface of Mimas is greatly cratered, we believed it was simply a frozen block of ice,” Rhoden stated. “IWOWs, such as Enceladus and Europa, tend to be fractured and reveal other indications of geologic activity. Ends up, Mimas surface area was tricking us, and our new understanding has considerably expanded the meaning of a potentially habitable world in our planetary system and beyond.”
Mimas is close enough to huge Saturn to be formed by the planets powerful gravity. Saturns gravity is strong enough to stretch the small moon into an ellipsoidal shape.
The researchers established mathematical models based upon tidal heating models to develop a possible description for the librations that Cassini sensed. They concluded that an icy shell 24 km to 32 km (14 to 20 miles) thick covers Mimas interior ocean. Compare that to Europas icy shell, which is most likely 10– 30 km (6– 19 miles) thick, and to Enceladus which is probably 30 to 40 km (19 to 25 miles) thick.
” Most of the time, when we develop these designs, we have to tweak them to produce what we observe,” Rhoden stated. “This time proof for an internal ocean simply popped out of the most realistic ice shell stability situations and observed librations.”
This is still an initial discovery, and a check out from a spacecraft can confirm it. It need not go to Mimas itself; a visit to any IWOW would clarify the crucial concern of heat circulation against ice shell thickness. From the press release: “The group also discovered that the heat circulation from the surface was extremely conscious the thickness of the ice shell, something a spacecraft could verify. For instance, the Juno spacecraft is arranged to fly by Europa and use its microwave radiometer to determine heat circulations in this Jovian moon.”

The characteristics in between heat flow and frozen shells on IWOWs will grow in importance when NASAs Europa Clipper objective launches in 2024. The spacecraft will reach the Jovian system in April 2030 and go into a long looping orbit around Jupiter, performing repeated flybys of Europa.
Will information from that objective aid scientists understand Mimas much better? According to Rhoden, there are still some unreconciled aspects in that information regarding Mimas. Behind the door is a greater understanding of IWOWs, and Mimas is the key that opens it.
” Although our results support a contemporary ocean within Mimas, it is challenging to reconcile the moons geologic and orbital qualities with our existing understanding of its thermal-orbital evolution,” Rhoden stated. “Evaluating Mimas status as an ocean moon would benchmark models of its development and development. This would help us better comprehend Saturns rings and mid-sized moons, in addition to the occurrence of potentially habitable ocean moons, especially at Uranus. Mimas is a compelling target for ongoing examination.”
Uranus has five big moons, and images from Voyager 2s flyby in 1986 showed that theyre approximately equivalent parts ice and rock. Enceladus has the exact same eruptions, sending plumes of product from the subsurface ocean out into space.
This image is a false-colour artists illustration of the cryovolcanic plumes erupting from Saturns moon Enceladus. Image Credit: NASA/ESA
The Solar Systems gas giants may all have IWOWs. The outer huge planets might have enough mass to induce tidal heating in their moons, whichs something scientists are keen to examine. Neptune has 14 moons, with Triton by far the most massive. Tritons crust is mostly water ice, and the moon is geologically active like Europa and Enceladus. Its likely a caught Kuiper Belt Object (KBO.) When Voyager 2 approached the moon in 1989, it saw geyser-like plumes 8 km (5 miles) high.
These are three pictures of a cryovolcanic plume on Triton taken about 45 minutes apart, from left to right, by Voyager 2 on August 26th, 1989. They reveal the geyser-like volcanic plume spewing an 8km (5 miles) high cloud of fine, dark particles into Tritons thin environment. The cloud is drifting downwind to the right for a range of approximately 150 kilometres (about 100 miles). Image Credit: NASA/JPL
Each time scientists find another IWOW, it brings up the possibility of life. For life to start, proof reveals that there needs to be an active interface between water and rock. Mimas density recommends it could have a rocky core. If theres heat, then interactions in between water and rock can provide the needed ingredients for life.
Mimas is small, with an area about the size of Spain. Its only 396 kilometres (246 mi) in diameter, and its the smallest known body thats rounded due to self-gravity. If a world this little can harbour a subsurface ocean, then that broadens the list of other things that might have them, and our understanding of possibly habitable worlds will grow, too.
Does Mimas have an ocean? Could it harbour life? Are IWOWs much more typical than we expected?
In the meantime, we do not know.

The latest discovery is that Saturns small moon Mimas might have an internal ocean. Those ocean-bearing moons show geological activity that Mimas lacks. The moons Enceladus (L), Europa (M), and Mimas (R,) not to scale.” Although our outcomes support a contemporary ocean within Mimas, it is challenging to reconcile the moons geologic and orbital qualities with our current understanding of its thermal-orbital development,” Rhoden said. “Evaluating Mimas status as an ocean moon would benchmark models of its development and evolution.

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