February 10, 2025

A ‘Mirror’ to Protons and Neutrons Allows Scientists To Study the Particles That Build Our Universe

By comparing the so-called mirror nuclei, helium-3 and triton, the MARATHON experiment at the United States Department of Energys Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has actually discovered brand-new insights about these particles structures. Given that those very first experiments 5 years back, deep inelastic scattering experiments have actually been performed around the world at various labs. These experiments have actually fueled nuclear physicists understanding of the function of quarks and gluons in the structures of protons and neutrons. In the just recently finished MARATHON experiment, nuclear physicists compared the results of deep inelastic scattering experiments for the very first time in two mirror nuclei to discover about their structures. Reference: “Measurement of the Nucleon Fn2/Fp2 Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium -3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment” by D. Abrams, H. Albataineh, B. S. Aljawrneh, S. Alsalmi, D. Androic, K. Aniol, W. Armstrong, J. Arrington, H. Atac, T. Averett, C. Ayerbe Gayoso, X. Bai, J. Bane, S. Barcus, A. Beck, V. Bellini, H. Bhatt, D. Bhetuwal, D. Biswas, D. Blyth, W. Boeglin, D. Bulumulla, J. Butler, A. Camsonne, M. Carmignotto, J. Castellanos, J.-P.

Experiment exploring mirror nuclei opens the door to brand-new details about the internal structures of neutrons and protons
To comprehend more about the particles that comprise our observable universe, scientists are holding up a mirror to neutrons and protons. By comparing the so-called mirror nuclei, helium-3 and triton, the MARATHON experiment at the US Department of Energys Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has uncovered new insights about these particles structures. The findings were published in Physical Review Letters on February 9th, 2022.
Quarks and gluons, the fundamental particles that make up much of the matter we see in deep space, are buried deep within the protons and neutrons that comprise atomic nuclei. Nobel Prize-winning research study at DOEs Stanford Linear Accelerator Center initially proved the existence of gluons and quarks half a century ago (now referred to as SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory).

These groundbreaking experiments ushered in a brand-new age of deep inelastic scattering. The quarks and gluons within protons and neutrons are probed utilizing high-energy electrons that travel deep within them.
” When we say deep inelastic scattering, what we suggest is that nuclei bombarded with electrons in the beam separate quickly therefore revealing the nucleons inside them when the scattered electrons are recorded with state-of-the art particle detection systems,” described Gerassimos (Makis) Petratos, a teacher at Kent State University and the MARATHON experiments spokesperson and contact individual.
The big particle detector systems that gather the electrons that emerge from these crashes measure their momenta– an amount that includes the electrons mass and velocity.
Because those first experiments 5 years ago, deep inelastic scattering experiments have actually been performed around the globe at various laboratories. These experiments have fueled nuclear physicists understanding of the function of quarks and gluons in the structures of protons and neutrons. Today, experiments continue to fine-tune this process to tease out ever more in-depth details.
In the recently finished MARATHON experiment, nuclear physicists compared the outcomes of deep inelastic scattering experiments for the first time in two mirror nuclei to find out about their structures. If you might mirror transform helium-3 by transforming all protons into neutrons and neutrons into protons, the outcome would be tritium.
2 cutting-edge particle detector systems, the High Resolution Spectrometers in Jefferson Labs Experimental Hall A, contributed in collecting data in the MARATHON experiment. Credit: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
” We used the easiest mirror nuclei system that exists, tritium and helium-3, whichs why this system is so intriguing,” stated David Meekins, a Jefferson Lab personnel researcher and a co-spokesperson of the MARATHON experiment.
” It turns out that if we measure the ratio of samples in these two nuclei, we can access the structure functions of protons relative to neutrons. These two quantities might be associated with the circulation of up and down quarks inside the nuclei,” Petratos said.
Conceived in a summer season workshop in 1999, the MARATHON experiment was finally brought out in 2018 in Jefferson Labs Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, a DOE user facility. The more than 130 members of the MARATHON experimental partnership overcame numerous difficulties to bring out the experiment.
MARATHON needed the high-energy electrons that were made possible by the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project that was finished in 2017, as well as a specialized target system for tritium.
” For this specific experiment, clearly the most significant difficulty was the target. Tritium being a radioactive gas, we needed to ensure safety above whatever,” Meekins explained. “Thats part of the objective of the lab: Theres nothing so essential that we can sacrifice security.”
The experiment sent 10.59 GeV (billion electron-volt) electrons into four different targets in Experimental Hall A. The targets included helium-3 and three isotopes of hydrogen, including tritium. The outbound electrons were collected and measured with the halls left and ideal High Resolution Spectrometers.
The cooperation worked to carefully evaluate the information when data taking was total. The last publication included the initial information to allow other groups to use the model-free information in their own analyses. It also provided an analysis led by Petratos that is based upon a theoretical design with very little corrections.
” The thing that we wished to make clear is that this is the measurement we made, this is how we did it, this is the scientific extraction from the measurement and this is how we did that,” Meekins describes. “We dont have to stress over favoring any design over another– anybody can take the data and apply it.”
In addition to providing an exact decision of the ratio of the proton/neutron structure function ratios, the information likewise consist of greater electron momenta measurements of these mirror nuclei than were readily available before. This premium data set also opens a door to extra in-depth analyses for answering other questions in nuclear physics, such as why quarks are dispersed differently inside nuclei as compared to complimentary protons and neutrons (a phenomenon called the EMC Effect) and other research studies of the structures of particles in nuclei.
In going over the results, the MARATHON spokespeople were fast to credit the difficult work of cooperation members for the outcomes.
” The success of this experiment is due to the outstanding group of people who took part in the experiment and likewise the support we had from Jefferson Lab,” said Mina Katramatou, a teacher at Kent State University and a co-spokesperson of the MARATHON experiment. “We likewise had a wonderful group of young physicists dealing with this experiment, consisting of early career graduate trainees and postdoctoral scientists.”
” There were 5 college students who got their theses research study from this information,” Meekins verified. “And its great data, we did an excellent job, and it was tough to do.”
Referral: “Measurement of the Nucleon Fn2/Fp2 Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium -3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment” by D. Abrams, H. Albataineh, B. S. Aljawrneh, S. Alsalmi, D. Androic, K. Aniol, W. Armstrong, J. Arrington, H. Atac, T. Averett, C. Ayerbe Gayoso, X. Bai, J. Bane, S. Barcus, A. Beck, V. Bellini, H. Bhatt, D. Bhetuwal, D. Biswas, D. Blyth, W. Boeglin, D. Bulumulla, J. Butler, A. Camsonne, M. Carmignotto, J. Castellanos, J.-P. Chen, E. O. Cohen, S. Covrig, K. Craycraft, R. Cruz-Torres, B. Dongwi, B. Duran, D. Dutta, E. Fuchey, C. Gal, T. N. Gautam, S. Gilad, K. Gnanvo, T. Gogami, J. Gomez, C. Gu, A. Habarakada, T. Hague, J.-O. Hansen, M. Hattawy, F. Hauenstein, D. W. Higinbotham, R. J. Holt, *, E. W. Hughes, C. Hyde, H. Ibrahim, S. Jian, S. Joosten, A. Karki, B. Karki, A. T. Katramatou, C. Keith, C. Keppel, M. Khachatryan, V. Khachatryan, A. Khanal, A. Kievsky, D. King, P. M. King, I. Korover, S. A. Kulagin, K. S. Kumar, T. Kutz, N. Lashley-Colthirst, S. Li, W. Li, H. Liu, S. Liuti, N. Liyanage, P. Markowitz, R. E. McClellan, D. Meekins, S. Mey-Tal Beck, Z.-E. Meziani, R. Michaels, M. Mihovilovic, V. Nelyubin, D. Nguyen, Nuruzzaman, M. Nycz, R. Obrecht, M. Olson, V. F. Owen, E. Pace, B. Pandey, V. Pandey, M. Paolone, A. Papadopoulou, S. Park, S. Paul, G. G. Petratos, R. Petti, E. Piasetzky, R. Pomatsalyuk, S. Premathilake, A. J. R. Puckett, V. Punjabi, R. D. Ransome, M. N. H. Rashad, P. E. Reimer, S. Riordan, J. Roche, G. Salmè, N. Santiesteban, B. Sawatzky, S. Scopetta, A. Schmidt, B. Schmookler, J. Segal, E. P. Segarra, A. Shahinyan, S. Širca, N. Sparveris, T. Su, R. Suleiman, H. Szumila-Vance, A. S. Tadepalli, L. Tang, W. Tireman, F. Tortorici, G. M. Urciuoli, B. Wojtsekhowski, S. Wood, Z. H. Ye, Z. Y. Ye, and J. Zhang, 9 February 2022, Physical Review Letters.DOI: 10.1103/ PhysRevLett.128.132003.