February 10, 2025

Researchers Surprised by Unusually Fast Beaked Whale’s Deep-Sea Hunting Strategy

Credit: NOAA FisheriesAn global group of biologists has successfully used biologgers to expose insights into the lifestyle and searching behavior of the obscure species Sowerbys beaked whale. Beaked whales consist of a number of types of marine mammals that can carry out record-breaking dives. For a couple of beaked whale types, biologging tags, connected to their backs with suction-cups, have revealed that they normally have a low-energy way of life: they are able to perform severe deep dives through sluggish, energy-conserving swim designs and hunting techniques. Much to the researchers surprise, Sowerbys beaked whales vary highly from other Mesoplodon types in their swimming and hunting methods. The marked deviation of Sowerbys beaked whales from the typically slower behavior of other beaked whales likewise has potential implications for their reaction to man-made sounds, which appear to be strongly behaviorally driven in other types.

Sowerbys beaked whale. Credit: NOAA FisheriesAn international team of biologists has effectively utilized biologgers to expose insights into the way of life and searching behavior of the little-known species Sowerbys beaked whale. The teams first results show that these whales (which resemble dolphins) have a surprisingly different, much quicker lifestyle than associated species. The research was led by Fleur Visser of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). The outcomes were published on May 12, 2022, in the Journal of Experimental Biology.
Beaked whales include a number of species of marine mammals that can carry out record-breaking dives. They routinely visit depths of approximately numerous kilometers during hour-long hunting trips searching for deep-sea squid and fish. Due to their evasive nature and minimal surface area existence, little is learnt about their behavior.
With 16 species, the so-called Mesoplodont whales form the largest genus of cetaceans. The genus consists of some of the least-known marine mammals– so much so that three brand-new species of these rhinoceros-sized whales have been discovered in simply the past 30 years.

Sowerbys beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens) appearing in the waters off Terceira Island, Azores. Credit: M.G. Oudejans @Kelp Marine Research
For a couple of beaked whale species, biologging tags, attached to their backs with suction-cups, have exposed that they usually have a low-energy lifestyle: they are able to perform extreme deep dives through sluggish, energy-conserving swim designs and searching methods. After years of effort, the research study group was able to deploy biologging tags on 2 Sowerbys beaked whales.
Sowerbys beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens) appearing in the waters off Terceira Island, Azores. The types typically long beak extends from the water during appearing. Credit: Kelp Marine Research
Much to the researchers surprise, Sowerbys beaked whales differ strongly from other Mesoplodon types in their swimming and hunting strategies. While targeting a comparable foraging depth (800-1,300 meters/ 2,600-4,300 feet), they consistently swim faster, perform shorter deep dives, and echolocate at a much faster rate, with higher frequency clicks. This first record of a fast beaked whale suggests that Mesoplodon whales exploit a wider variety of deep-sea niches than hitherto thought. The deep sea is a diverse and abundant searching ground for marine mammal predators, who have actually clearly established a larger series of specialized methods to be able to exploit it than was previously known. The marked discrepancy of Sowerbys beaked whales from the normally slower behavior of other beaked whales also has possible ramifications for their action to manufactured sounds, which seem highly behaviorally driven in other types.
Recommendation: “Sowerbys beaked whale biosonar and motion technique indicate deep-sea foraging specific niche differentiation in mesoplodont whales” by Fleur Visser, Machiel G. Oudejans, Onno A. Keller, Peter T. Madsen and Mark Johnson, 12 May 2022, Journal of Experimental Biology.DOI: 10.1242/ jeb.243728.