February 16, 2025

Hubble Captures Incredible Snapshot of a Massive Galaxy Cluster

Hubble Space Telescope picture of enormous galaxy cluster Abell 1351. Credit: ESA/Hubble & & NASA, H. Ebeling, Acknowledgment: L. Shatz
The massive galaxy cluster Abell 1351 is captured in this image by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescopes Wide Field Camera 3 and Advanced Camera for Surveys. This galaxy cluster lies in the constellation Ursa Major in the northern hemisphere.
This image is filled with streaks of light, which are in fact pictures of distant galaxies. The streaks are the outcome of gravitational lensing, an astrophysical phenomenon that occurs when a massive celestial body such as a galaxy cluster distorts spacetime adequately strongly to impact the course of light passing through it– nearly as if the light were travelling through a gigantic lens. Gravitational lensing is available in 2 varieties– strong and weak– and both can offer astronomers an insight into the circulation of mass within a lensing galaxy cluster such as Abell 1351.
This observation is part of a huge album making up pictures of a few of the most huge galaxy clusters. This menagerie of huge clusters demonstrates interesting astrophysical phenomena such as strong gravitational lensing, along with showcasing magnificent examples of violent galaxy evolution.

To get this astronomical album, astronomers proposed a Snapshot Program to be slotted into Hubbles jam-packed observing schedule. These Snapshot Programs are lists of different, reasonably brief exposures which can fit into gaps between longer Hubble observations. Having a large swimming pool of Snapshot prospects to dip into allows Hubble to utilize every second of observing time possible and to maximize the scientific output of the observatory.

By ESA/Hubble
June 19, 2022