February 23, 2025

Cosmic Cloak & Dagger: Quasars Shrouded by Starburst Galaxies

Artistic illustration of the thick dust torus thought to surround supermassive black holes and their accretion disks. Durham University scientists using ALMA have found that dense gas and dust in starburst galaxies can obscure quasars, challenging the idea that only neighboring dust rings are responsible. Orange clouds represent the dust and gas close to the main black hole, and blue clouds with stars represent the dust and gas in the galaxy forming the stars. The gradient in the blue color represents the amount of gas and dust in the galaxy, from little (transparent) to big (opaque) amount of gas and dust. Credit: Durham University.

New Research Findings.
Quasars are very brilliant items powered by great voids making a pig of on surrounding product. If thick clouds come between us and the quasar, their effective radiation can be obstructed.
Astronomers have actually long believed this obscuring material just exists in the quasars immediate surroundings, in a “dusty torus” (or donut) surrounding it.
Now, a team of researchers led by Durham University have discovered evidence that in some quasars, the obscuration is totally triggered by the host galaxy in which the quasar resides.
Orange clouds represent the dust and gas close to the central black hole, and blue clouds with stars represent the dust and gas in the galaxy forming the stars. The gradient in the blue color represents the amount of gas and dust in the galaxy, from little (transparent) to large (nontransparent) amount of gas and dust.
Using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, they observed a sample of really dirty quasars with intense rates of star development. They discovered that a lot of these quasars reside in extremely compact galaxies, referred to as “starburst galaxies,” no greater than 3000 light-years across.
These starburst galaxies can form more than 1000 stars like the Sun annually. To form such a big number of stars, the galaxy needs a huge quantity of gas and dust, which are basically the foundation of stars.
In such galaxies, clouds of gas and dust stimulated by rapid star development can pile up and totally conceal the quasar.
Ramifications of the Discovery.
The complete research study has been released in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.
Lead author of the study Carolina Andonie, PhD student in the Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy at Durham University, stated: “Its like the quasar is buried in its host galaxy.
” In some cases, the surrounding galaxy is so stuffed with gas and dust, not even X-rays can leave.
” We constantly thought the dusty donut around the black hole was the only thing hiding the quasar from view. Now we recognize the whole galaxy can take part.
” This phenomenon only appears to take place when the quasar is going through an intense development spurt.”.
The group approximates that in about 10-30% of really quickly star-forming quasars, the host galaxy is entirely responsible for obscuring the quasar.
The findings supply new insights into the link between galaxy development and great void activity.
Obscured quasars may represent an early evolutionary phase, when young galaxies are abundant with cold gas and dust, fuelling high rates of star formation and black hole growth.
Study co-author Professor David Alexander of Durham University stated: “Its an unstable, untidy stage of evolution, when gas and stars collide and cluster in the galaxys center.
” The cosmic food battle cloaks the child quasar in its natal cocoon of dust.”.
Unveiling these buried quasars will help researchers understand the connection between galaxies and the supermassive great voids at their hearts.
Referral: “Obscuration beyond the nucleus: infrared quasars can be buried in extreme compact starbursts” by Carolina Andonie, David M Alexander, Claire Greenwell, Annagrazia Puglisi, Brivael Laloux, Alba V Alonso-Tetilla, Gabriela Calistro Rivera, Chris Harrison, Ryan C Hickox, Melanie Kaasinen, Andrea Lapi, Iván E López, Grayson Petter, Cristina Ramos Almeida, David J Rosario, Francesco Shankar and Carolin Villforth, 6 October 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.DOI: 10.1093/ mnrasl/slad144.

Artistic illustration of the thick dust torus believed to surround supermassive black holes and their accretion disks. Durham University researchers utilizing ALMA have actually found that dense gas and dust in starburst galaxies can obscure quasars, challenging the idea that just nearby dust rings are responsible. Credit: ESA/ V. Beckmann (NASA-GSFC).
New reserarch has actually revealed that quasars, the brilliant centers of galaxies, can be concealed by the extremely galaxies they populate. This opposes the old belief that a quasars glow is just dimmed by a surrounding dust ring, shedding new light on the advancement of galaxies and their central black holes.
A brand-new research study exposes that supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies, called quasars, can sometimes be obscured by dense clouds of gas and dust in their host galaxies.
This challenges the prevailing concept that quasars are only obscured by donut-shaped rings of dust in the close vicinity of the black hole.