February 10, 2025

From Microbes to Artificial Life: Harnessing Bacterial Motors for Nanomachines

A collaborative research effort spearheaded by Nagoya University has actually revealed important information about the FliG molecule in bacterias flagellar motors, offering insights for developing efficient, manageable nanomachines, possibly transforming medical technology and artificial life design.
A research study group has actually made brand-new insights into how mobility happens in germs. The group recognized the FliG molecule in the flagellar layer, the motor of germs, and revealed its role in the organism. These findings recommend ways in which future engineers might construct nanomachines with full control over their motions.
The scientists, who were led by Professor Emeritus Michio Homma and Professor Seiji Kojima of the Graduate School of Science at Nagoya University, in partnership with Osaka University and Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, released the research study in iScience.
Flagellar Motors: Inspiration for Nanomachines
As nanomachines lessen, scientists are taking inspiration from tiny organisms for ways to make them run and move. In particular, the flagellar motor can turn counterclockwise and clockwise at a speed of 20,000 rpm. If scaled up, it would be equivalent to a Formula One engine with an energy conversion efficiency of nearly 100% and the capacity to change its rotation instructions instantly at high speeds. Ought to engineers be able to develop a device like a flagellar motor, it would significantly increase the maneuverability and performance of nanomachines.

The group determined the FliG particle in the flagellar layer, the motor of germs, and revealed its function in the organism. Scientist clarified the physical residential or commercial properties of the FliG protein in the “bacterial motor”. Hommas group studied the G215A mutant in FliG, which triggers clockwise permanent rotation of the motor, and compared it with the non-mutated form that can move in both forward and backward instructions.
” The flagellar motor rotates in both directions: clockwise to move backward and counterclockwise to move forward,” said Homma. “In this research study, we found that the structure of FliG and the interaction of water particles around it are various when the motor moves clockwise and counterclockwise.

Understanding Bacterial Movement
The flagellar motors in germs have a rotor and a fixed element that surrounds it, known as the stator. Depending on the rotation, the bacterium moves forward or backwards, like an automated automobile with reverse and drive settings.
Researchers clarified the physical residential or commercial properties of the FliG protein in the “bacterial motor”. A simulated movement of the FliG is revealed. Credit: Atsushi Hijikata, Yohei Miyanoiri, Osaka University
In the flagellar motor, these small changes are mutations. Hommas group studied the G215A mutant in FliG, which causes clockwise long-term rotation of the motor, and compared it with the non-mutated type that can move in both forward and backward directions.
The Role of FliG and Water Molecules
When they checked the G215A mutant of the marine organism Vibrio alginolyticus, they discovered that this clockwise motion was due to the fact that of modifications in FliG and the interaction of water molecules around the protein. They also saw these changes in the normal form when it turned clockwise. Nevertheless, these differed from those seen when it rotated anticlockwise.
” The flagellar motor turns in both instructions: clockwise to move backwards and counterclockwise to move on,” said Homma. “In this research study, we found that the structure of FliG and the interaction of water molecules around it are various when the motor moves counterclockwise and clockwise. This distinction permits germs to immediately change between forward and backward motions in action to ecological modifications.”
” The explanation of the physical properties of the FliG protein in motors is a considerable development in our understanding of the molecular mechanism that switches the instructions of rotation of motors, suggesting ways to develop compact motors with greater energy conversion performance,” stated Homma. “Using these findings, it will be possible to create synthetic nanomachines that can freely control their rotation, which is expected to be applied to different future fields such as medication and the design of synthetic life.”
Recommendation: “Changes in the hydrophobic network of the FliGMC domain induce rotational changing of the flagellar motor” by Tatsuro Nishikino, Atsushi Hijikata, Seiji Kojima, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Masatsune Kainosho, Michio Homma and Yohei Miyanoiri, 11 July 2023, iScience.DOI: 10.1016/ j.isci.2023.107320.